“Estate” on Wine Labels
“Estate Bottled” - What does that mean? How many of the Lewis-Clark Valley Wineries are potential estate producers?
History of Wine - In Brief
Very brief, and highly abridged, history of wine. From starting as a very functional beverage that was safer than water to becoming one of the most complex and intellectually inspiring accessories, wine’s role has significantly changed over time. A skill that has been around for millennia, but has had significant leaps over the last 25 or so years.
Lewis-Clark Valley Wine Festival Update
The 2020 Lewis-Clark Valley Wine Festival was postponed due to COVID-19, but we still wanted to share what we have been up to over the past year. Here’s a quick summary of the highs, lows, and day to day operations
Where Does Your Wine Story Begin?
Is there a particular moment wine grabbed your attention and you wanted to know more? Perhaps a memory where you can recall many aspects of the event you were attending, including the wine you were drinking? I love when the mention of a wine takes someone back to a different time and very personal memory. Much of my passion for wine lies in the storytelling that surrounds it. Every bottle has a story. What is yours?